Who is looking at my Instagram profile
This How to is more than 2 years old and may be outdated.
If you are posting on Instagram, whether it's a photo, video or an Insta Story, you are probably going to want to know who is looking at what you post and watching your content. Instagram offers various options of insights for different sort of content so you could see who has seen your posts and manage your feed. So for example for video content, what you can see is the number of views and if someone liked your video you can see exactly who liked it, but you can not see exactly who watched it.
However, when you post Insta Story, you can see everything. Learn how to check who's watching your profile in the following steps and where to search for this kind of insights.
Who has seen my video on Instagram
If you posted a video and are interested in some insights, for example, how many people have seen your video, tap the views number as shown in the image on the right (39 views).
You can see the total number of views, however, you can’t see exactly which profile has actually seen it.
What you can see is who (which profile) has liked the video and you can find that information in Liked by display.
Who is watching my Instagram Stories
Insta stories are one of the most fun ways of communicating with our followers or visitors to our profile. After we post a Story, we can see exactly who has seen it.
In the bottom left corner of the screen, we have a Seen by field. Tap the Seen by field to see some insights and a list of people who have seen your Story. Or, swipe up for the same thing.
If you have made an Instagram Poll or used any other feature that requires interaction with followers, for example, like asking questions or voting, you can see reactions and votes by swiping up over the screen or by tapping Seen by.
If you have any questions, you can always ask Daisy for help