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How to turn off AutoSave in Excel 2019 for Mac in 3 steps

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Microsoft Office comes with an AutoSave button turned on by default. It is a very good idea, but sometimes it can cause some issues so it's better to turn it off. As an Excel user, I needed it to be set off by default so here it is how to do it for the entire Office package.

How to turn off AutoSave in Excel 2019 for Mac in 3 steps

You can turn it off in exactly three steps, and it couldn't be easier than it is. We are going to show you how to do it on a Mac.

Turn off Office AutoSave on a Mac

Open Excel or Word or any of the MS Office programs and click (in our case) Excel in the toolbar on top of the screen.

Now click Preferences.

In the Excel Preferences Dialog box, click the Save button in the Sharing and Privacy at the bottom of the box.

Unselect the Turn on AutoSave by default.

And that’s it!


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  1. Gregg
    11.11.2020 u 17:00h

    Thank you SO much for sharing this fix for the default autosave feature from hell. It also keeps turning back on every time there is a new version installed.