How to rename multiple files and photos
This How to is more than 2 years old and may be outdated.
It's not a problem to rename a document or two, however, when you need to rename a bunch of them, doing it one by one makes no sense. Since there is a better way, we are going to show you how to do it on a Mac computer.
In this How-to we are going to show you how to rename multiple documents in two clicks, whether they're photos, excels, word documents or pdfs.
How to rename multiple documents
You can rename documents such as photos, excel and word files, pdfs…the process is the same.
Open the folder which contains files you want to rename. Then select all of the documents you want to rename (you can use command+A for selecting every single document in the folder) or add ordinal numbers next to the names.
Then make a right-click on the selected documents, and click Rename Items from the menu.
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