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How to keep iPhone screen from turning off

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Are you familiar with trying to unlock your iPhone screen with wet hands while cooking and trying to get back to the recipe you're making? Or while, I don't know, playing the guitar and singing your tabs disappear in the worst moment?

How to keep iPhone screen from turning off

If you need a quick fix for this, find out how to stop the screen from turning off in a few easy steps down below.

Go to Settings and tap Display & Brightness.

Now tap Auto-Lock.

Choose the option you find fits your needs the most, you can choose between 30 seconds, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 minutes and Never.

If you choose never, you will always have to turn the screen off by yourself.

You can change these settings anytime you like, when and how it suits you.

If you have any questions, you can always ask Daisy for help

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