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How to disable automatic app offload

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If you are an iPhone user, the chances are this happened to you and probably in the most inconvenient of times. Maybe while driving through an unfamiliar city you decide to turn Maps on because you're not sure which exit to take and instead of a quick check your iPhone tells you that he's loading the wanted app, loading or installing that is, and of course, it lasts forever.

How to disable automatic app offload

iOS 11 and newer ones have a default setting to offload apps that we don't frequently use. Since this feature can get quite annoying and unnecessary, in this Daisy's how to we explain how to turn it off. And if you think this is a bug, it's not, it's definitely a feature.

Even though it may seem as your iPhone is deleting apps, that is not the case, it’s basically offloading them. So what is this actually about? The automatic offload of unused apps feature is basically offloading the apps you don’t frequently use or don’t use at all when your phone storage is pretty full and free space is pretty low. The idea behind this feature is believed to be iPhone storage optimization. App icons remain on the screen, and all the documents and data stored in the app are saved locally on the iPhone. So basically by using this feature, we optimize disk storage usage and on the other hand, we don’t lose any app data. Since this is a default setting and we are well aware it can get tiresome, learn how to disable it in the following text below.

Step 1

Disable auto offload app

Go to Settings.

Scroll down and tap iTunes & App Store.

Tap Offload Unused Apps to disable this setting.

Automatic offload app can be turned on and turned off all the time, as you like it at the moment.

However, if you wish to offload a specific app, you can manually edit it so keep reading for more.

Step 2

Manually offload specific app

If you actually like automatic app offload because it does optimize iPhone storage usage and you don’t want apps you don’t frequently use to overload it, we’ll show you how to disable app offload for a specific app.

Go to Settings, then tap General.

By choosing iPhone Storage a list of installed apps will appear on your screen.

Choose the app or apps you want to offload from the list you see on your screen, so it wouldn’t take up your storage and RAM.

Then tap Offload App and then confirm.

By confirming this you are “deleting” the app while all the data and documents remain stored on the phone. If and when you will want to use this app again, you will press Reinstall App to bring it back. Mind that you can only bring it back if it still exists in the App Store.

If you have any questions, you can always ask Daisy for help

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