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How to cancel Netflix in just 2 minutes? 5 steps with images (2020)

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Netflix service is absolutely free in the first 30 days after registration. You can cancel anytime without paying anything. Netflix will also send you a reminder 3 days before the trial period ends.

How to cancel Netflix in just 2 minutes? 5 steps with images (2020)

The cancellation procedure is very easy and it is identical whether you use Netflix for longer than 30 days or decide to cancel it before the trial period ends.

Step 1

Log in to your Netflix account

In your Internet browser open and sign in using your credentials.

Step 2

Go to Netflix cancellation page

Sometimes it is hard to find cancellation page and we suggest that you copy the following link:

Step 3

Confirm service cancellation

Simply click on “Finish Cancellation”

Step 4

Take a short survey

It is not important what you’ll choose here. Click on one or more reasons why you’re leaving Netflix and click “Done”.

Step 5

Final confirmation

In your profile, you will see confirmation. A confirmation e-mail will arrive in your inbox as well.

That’s it!

If you have any questions, you can always ask Daisy for help

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