How to add another user to Windows 10
This How to is more than 2 years old and may be outdated.
We are going to show you how to add another user account to Windows 10 in a few easy steps.
If there are a few of you using one computer, and you don't want them to log in to your user, learn how to add a new one in the following steps.
First sign-in
For the purposes of this Daisy’s how to, we want to create a classic additional user account, that is not connected to any third party service via e-mail or a mobile number, so we are going to click I don’t have this person’s sign-in information.
Second sign-in
In this step Microsoft wants you to create a user account using your own Microsoft account so we are going to skip this step by clicking on Add a user without a Microsoft account.
Creating a new user account
In this step, you need to write username and a password for a new user sign-in, then click Next to finish the process.
Peace of advice: do not use a short password as shown in the image, this is just for demonstration purposes.
And all the new user has to do now is sign in with their username and password.
If you have any questions, you can always ask Daisy for help