FaceApp is the one – app that makes you look old
This How to is more than 2 years old and may be outdated.
This pretty hyped up app, mainly because of the security concerns, has actually been here for a while. You could not not see it, it's everywhere, people turning really old in seconds. The app has a lot of different features, like when you get to try on fringe, or different hairstyles and hair colour. The age feature is the most popular, so we'll show you how to try it, if you're up for it!
Now you can start to have fun
You can subscribe to an annual subscription plan (for access to all the extra features) by tapping Subscribe now, which can give you a three day trial period. If you cancel the subscription within the three days, you will not be charged.
If you wish to get the free version just like we do, tap Decline this offer.
You can import your photos from your phone gallery by tapping Allow access to your photos or you can just take a selfie by tapping the camera. Now choose a photo you wish to edit.
What will I look like when I'm old
Pick a good photo, then in the bottom part of the screen swipe left to see all the available options, then you’ll get to Age feature. Tap Old (or Young).
As we have said before, if you have subscribed, you can see which hairstyles best suit you, as well as hair color, what would you look like with glasses, with different makeup styles, etc.
If you want to save this photo to your iPhone Camera Roll, tap share button in the upper-right part of the screen, then tap Save Image.
If you have any questions, you can always ask Daisy for help