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Credit card linked to PayPal account has expired – how to change the expiration date

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If your credit card or debit card linked to your PayPal account has expired, you will need to update the expiration date along with the security code. We are going to show you how to update the expiration date using your computer.

Credit card linked to PayPal account has expired – how to change the expiration date

Updating the expiration date and the security code is very easy, so keep up with the steps and the mockups below.

Update the expired credit and debit card on PayPal

You can start by clicking the Update card details button in the email notification you have received from PayPal stating that the card linked to your PayPal account has expired. Or simply go to PayPal and sign in to your account.

Click the card next to the warning sign, in our case it’s a Visa card, or click the notification icon in the upper right corner of the screen, on the toolbar, and select the expired card.

When you have selected the expired card, click Update card.

Then edit the Expiration date and the Security code (CVV, CCV – the three-digit number which you will find on the back of your card in most cases, but then Amex has a four-digit number on the front side of the card).

When you have changed all the needed information, click Update card, and then Done.

If an error occurs while you are editing the expired credit or debit card, especially if you are trying to do it on your phone, try to sign in to your PayPal account via a computer. We have succeeded that way.

If an error keeps occurring, and you are a 100% sure that you are entering all the correct numbers, try removing the expired credit or debit card by clicking Remove card, and then adding it again by clicking Add, but this time with the new security code and the expiration date.

You can, of course, always add a new card and have multiple cards linked to your PayPal account.

If you have any questions, you can always ask Daisy for help

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